The Day of Reckoning
I set the alarm for 7am so that Jo and I could apply my dream tan. I really didn’t need to set the...
I set the alarm for 7am so that Jo and I could apply my dream tan. I really didn’t need to set the...
It’s make it or break it time. One more sleep to pull everything together. The plan for the day was to travel and...
Two more sleeps till stage day! Today marked the first day of my “holiday”, the last day of training and the first day...
Yes indeed! Two days down (yay), however I still have another three to go without carbs! (boo) Argh … I think peak week...
It took God seven days to create the earth, but I’ve only got 6 days to create a stage ready body. ...
It’s peak week people! A mere seven sleeps, five weight training sessions, 10 cardio sessions and numerous 1/4 turns in front of the...
As most of you know I belong to a group fondly known as BoB. Being that all the Bobettes are a tech savy...
So yesterday I was humming and harring over whether to have my measures done. Even though my head was telling me that I...
Yes, it is Wednesday but the title of today’s blog does not in fact refer to either Wednesday or Wolf Whistling, it actually...
Obviously some of you have been following the life and times of Julia for quite awhile because I get some questions in from...