Pull it together girl!
I (Julia) give you (the people in blog land) the permission to kick my arse if tomorrows post does not outline some form...
I (Julia) give you (the people in blog land) the permission to kick my arse if tomorrows post does not outline some form...
I’m still getting used to the fact that I can actually go out for a meal with friends and not have to pour...
And 5 makes the week complete … It’s Friday in the land of the long white cloud (that would be NZ for all...
I’ve been attending Ludus Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays since coming back from our holiday (and I haven’t been that regular in my attendance...
I started my morning at stupid oclock in the Ludus Arena with lots of other energetic Ludians. We started with tabitas to warm...
I had an enjoyable weekend … so come Monday morning it was time to pay for my “sins” in the Arena. There must...
It’s Friday people! I am pleased to proclaim that I made it through the first week of Operation Wedding with “relative ease”. I...
I won the Club Physical Real Results Competition!. So a huge huge thanks to everyone who voted for me. For your voting efforts...
I am pleased to report that Operation Wedding is going well. Food has been clean and the body is being exercised so “Yay...
Operation Wedding Day Three = Success = Pat on the back for me! Monday was a good day. I didn’t die at Ludus...