Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Pull it together girl!

I (Julia) give you (the people in blog land) the permission to kick my arse if tomorrows post does not outline some form...


I’ve been attending Ludus Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays since coming back from our holiday (and I haven’t been that regular in my attendance...

Ten to One

I started my morning at stupid oclock in the Ludus Arena with lots of other energetic Ludians. We started with tabitas to warm...

Paying Penance

I had an enjoyable weekend … so come Monday morning it was time to pay for my “sins” in the Arena. There must...

Lets see ..

It’s Friday people! I am pleased to proclaim that I made it through the first week of Operation Wedding with “relative ease”.  I...

Thank you!

I won the Club Physical Real Results Competition!. So a huge huge thanks to everyone who voted for me. For your voting efforts...

Bubbles anyone?

I am pleased to report that Operation Wedding is going well.  Food has been clean and the body is being exercised so “Yay...

A Pat and a Plea

Operation Wedding Day Three = Success = Pat on the back for me! Monday was a good day.  I didn’t die at Ludus...