Ten to One

I started my morning at stupid oclock in the Ludus Arena with lots of other energetic Ludians. We started with tabitas to warm up (which of course included a set of burpees) which was quickly followed with a 10:1 session to kick start our day.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the 10:1 workout it is basically a circuit where the first round you do 10 reps of each exercise then the next set you do 9 etc etc. This morning I got to the end of the 4’s before time ran out.

Considering the circuit included lateral knee raise burpees AND box burpees I thought I did pretty good to get through over half of the sets.

I do honest .. well actually the burpee and I have a love/hate relationship.  It loves to torment me and I hate doing them!

Anyway I didn’t do any weight training last night.   I went and saw a friend who runs medical “holidays” about getting some perky boobs.  I’ve been coveting perky boobs for at least a few years now and since I shall be 40 next year (eeek) I’ve decided that my birthday pressie will be getting my boobs to point straight ahead as opposed to staring at the ground.  James said that his 35th birthday pressie next year (yes I nabbed a younger man) will be having a wife with perky boobs.  Two pressies down in one go .. easy! 😉

So should you wish to donate to the get Julia perky boob fund please feel free to go into my online store and purchase one of my fitness journals.  *hint hint* 🙂

Right its “that time of the week”.  My friend Becks thinks she has figured out who this weeks wolf is so I guess its time to put her out of her misery and see if she guessed correctly.

I’ve never seen the show that this Wolf is currently in and after looking at his bio I haven’t actually seen any shows that he has been in but I did spy him on my Facebook newsfeed thanks to my friend Yumi.

Jensen Ackles –

Now why can’t I find a training partner that looks like this and I wouldn’t complain in the slightest if his training gear consisted of …

*sigh* … I might even do ab work if I got to check out abs like this. 😉 and even though I would have to kick him out because after all I am a married woman I bet most women wouldn’t mind finding this in their bed …

*ooo la la*

On that high point I shall leave you all to have a happy and joyous day!

Till next time

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