Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

New day, old question

When I train on the main gym floor I’m used to people coming up to me and asking “are you competing soon?”, “are...

Is Friday the new Monday?

I just checked the Les Mills website to see if they were currently running a “everyone come to Les Mills for free month”...


This morning started out great! Gym skills were scheduled todaay at HPU (I try never to miss a gym skills session) and the...

Finding my fit

There are some days I seriously consider giving up Crossfit. I’ve been incorporating ideas from A Gym Life’s Blog like doing double unders...

Ageing Gracefully

At the end of last week I had a check in with Mr P.T .. In short my weight is up, my measurements...

Developing your weaknesses

Humans do what humans enjoy (most of the time – I for one did not enjoy changing pooey nappies but needs must and...

No one said it would be easy

I spent the month of July concentrating on the Dry July paleo challenge. My efforts went into ensuring I ate well, trained hard...