Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Age has no limits

I went and watched my first ever crossfit comp on Saturday .. Well actually I popped my head into a crossfit comp while...

Soul Food

You haven’t read a blog post about Ludus in what seems like half a life time and the reason for this is because...

Being RX

I had a “strange” conversation yesterday .. It went along these lines “So how is your crossfit going?” “Good thanks” “You are in...

Let’s dance

So on Monday I told you how I had my first ever “real competition” coming up at the end of the month and...

Shit just got real!

I’m pretty sure when I started crossfit I initially said “I am never going to compete”. Some how I went from never competing...

Sharing is caring

I’ve met a few of my blog peeps on my “travels” and I still find it surprising when someone comes up and says...

It sucks less (eventually)

In the 3.5 months since I officially “graduated” crossfit and I have had our ups and downs and there have been times when...

Life is a game, play it

One of my friends posted last week on Facebook that Pandas do on average 10 handstands a day – just for fun. Upon...

Ready? Or Not?

I have a friend who has put off doing the Sculpt 6k womens only walk/run event that is held in Auckland City at...