Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Another year

Yesterday many many moons ago I arrived on planet earth.  Although that statement makes me sound like an alien I am actually trying...

The Ludus Challenge

Earlier in the week I may have mentioned the “Ludus Challenge” that I have going on with a couple of friends. The deal...

Rockwear is Here!

If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you will know that I work out .. a lot!  On a...

It’s the small things

This morning I had an epihany.  You will have to remember that it was stupid oclock and my brain works a lot slower...

The starting line

    I had my measurements checked on Friday before training by Miss Jo.  I wasn’t looking forward to it but I had...

And so it begins

Tomorrow marks the 12 week countdown to my next competition (The Nabba Nationals).     Tonight I am going to bite the bullet...

Day Two and a Woohoo!

First on the agenda is my amazement about how easy my first day on my new diet was.  I think James was pleasantly...

Day One

Today I’m starting a new diet plan.  I’ve tired a version of this plan before, I think I lasted an entire three days....