Category: Blog

Wish me luck

Today marks day one of the daily training with Miss Jo we start at 7pm tonight.  Man oh man it’s going to hurt!...

Happy Mothers Day

I hope all the Mums out there are being spoilt and if you are not yet a Mum, I hope you are spoiling...

Show Q&A

It’s Friday.  This time last week I was carbing up and both scared and excited about standing in six inch heels and a...

It’s official (yet again)

Luckily I checked the NABBA website this morning because entries close this Saturday. After a quick text “discussion” with Miss Jo I completed...

Family Time

Yesterday went well. I ate well (up to a point), I trained back hard and heavy (and now my elbow is paying for...

Back to business

The Christchurch show came and went.  I enjoyed some post show celebrations and indulged in some chocolatey goodness over the competition weekend and...

The Day of Reckoning

I set the alarm for 7am so that Jo and I could apply my dream tan.  I really didn’t need to set the...