Wish me luck

Today marks day one of the daily training with Miss Jo we start at 7pm tonight.  Man oh man it’s going to hurt!

However these things must be done when one (that would be me) is tired and knows full well that she won’t put every little ounce of effort my body can muster without someone (that would be Miss Jo)  “making” me do it.  James’ won’t do .. He would tell me to do something and then I would just say no and walk off.  You see husbands do not have the same “effect” that a trainer does .. well not to me anyway.



BUT I do like to train with him when I’m not depleted and exhausted because

  1. He is nice to look at
  2. He can help me lift heavy
  3. He is nice to look at

So as you can see … he does have his uses when it comes to training. 😉

Tonight I have another reason to be a little “scared”.  As you all know although I hate running (with a passion), I do the occasional fun run, duathlon or some other random type fitness thing I come across.  I saw an event listed a few months back that actually looks like it would be fun .. and I really want to do it, but after the lecture I got on doing Ludus Magnus during contest prep, I’m not sure Miss Jo is going to be impressed.  But if you don’t ask, you don’t get right?

James is entering into the 10k event.  I told Ness about it on the weekend and she seemed keen too, although that strange woman actually likes running – Go Figure!.  Click on the header above to check it out, the part that intrigued me was the 2k obstacle course .. how fun would that be!

Anyway, I’ll let you know what she says .. I’m not going to hold my breathe for a yes though.  And please don’t email/comment that they do a walking event, If Im going to walk that morning, I might as well take the kids for a walk in the pram, now thats a hell of a workout!  Those kids are heavy!

Maybe they could be my “secret weapons” during my preparations towards the Nationals when I get back from my overseas holiday.  I bet I could get buns of steel pushing these two up large hills in the pram!

Till next time


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