Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog


as·sume  [uh-soom] to take for granted or without proof Synonyms: suppose, presuppose; postulate, posit. To be fair I’ve always “assumed” that my blog...

The talk

The simple fact is that guys and girls are different. Girl has problem – Guy wants to solve – Girl really just wants...

Doing the dash

When there was talk amongst the Ludus community about doing the Warrior Dash I didn’t even contemplate it. I had completed the Tough...

Here comes the hurricane

Yesterday morning I went to Ludus. It was a Hot Rod session (and a it was a goodie)!  I haven’t done a Hot...

Walk before you talk

I wrote the other day that the Ludus Games was the hardest thing I’ve done to date (bar giving birth – giving birth...

Game Day

Since officially entering the Ludus Games self doubt started raring her ugly head. Every niggle I got during training worried me, then I...

Great Expectations

I’m not sure if I mentioned this but I’ve started doing the boxing classes at the gym with Anna. Anna went out with...

Train Hard, Have Fun, Race!

It’s been awhile since my last post .. But other than training, training and doing some more training (along with the weekly dessert...