Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Bring on the burpees

I think they should tell you when you look into starting the “Look Better Naked” six week program that it involves running. Although...

Sock it to me

First up today I am going to announce “I am that sock girl” just so this blog makes some sense in case you...

We all knew it was coming

Today was the final session for week 2 of “Look Better Naked” On Monday we did the cool crossfit(ish) workout. Then yesterdays session...

Pleasing the boss

Today I had a “date” with a hot single guy .. There are times when I wonder “how is this guy still single?”...

My turf

I’m a “can do most things but nothing exceptionally well” type of girl. I can jump on a box (as long as its...

Ending the week with the boys

The title of the post probably makes my Friday morning sound way cooler than it actually was 😉 First “boy of the day”...

Once upon a time

There was a time in the not too distant past where I ran without having something big, scary and life threatening me behind...