Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

I think its working ..

Peak Week – Day Three Even though I hate stupid oclock, this week I wake up excited to see if I can see...

The Final Countdown

Peak Week – Day One. Chicken, chicken then some more chicken and five litres of water. James has been dreading this day .....

One week – take two

De ja vu anyone? 😉 So here we are again, one week till show day which also means one week till I jet...

A slight reprive

If you read yesterdays post, you will remember that I was humming and harring about whether to get my measurements done.  Well *thankfully*...

Are we there yet?

I’m going to come right out and say it.  I’m tired.  Not only physically tired but mentally tired as well. I can feel...

Who is it?

From the emails I have received, it seems some of you have noticed that I never seem to pick bodybuilders on “Wolf Whistle...

Wish me luck

Today marks day one of the daily training with Miss Jo we start at 7pm tonight.  Man oh man it’s going to hurt!...

Happy Mothers Day

I hope all the Mums out there are being spoilt and if you are not yet a Mum, I hope you are spoiling...