The Final Countdown

Peak Week – Day One.

Chicken, chicken then some more chicken and five litres of water.

James has been dreading this day .. he hates the carb depletion process nearly as much as I do.   Actually correction, James hates the carb depletion process more than I do, because he has to put up with a carb depleted wife.  😉  Some times this sport is far harder on the people around you than it is for yourself, I guess this is one of those times.


I started the day with a farewell Ludus session.  I knew today would be the last day I could do Ludus before I left for our holiday and I had borrowed a kettlebell from the Arena for the photoshoot yesterday which I needed to return, so I figured since I was heading in anyway I’d get in a final beating.

The class was super full and HARD!  I sweated up a storm!  It didn’t help that I had been up since 4am because Elias woke crying .. unfortunately I couldn’t get back to sleep as easily as he did, so after an hour I gave up, got up and got on with the day.  I did manage to get a nap in the afternoon when the kids went down which was sheer bliss!

When I woke up James told me that Rosemary Morris from had left a message that the cd with all the proofs from yesterdays photoshoot were ready to be collected.  So James went and got the disc for me and I spent the afternoon going through them and deciding which ones I wanted.  I learnt a couple of things.  In future photoshoots I need to smile in every shot .. I don’t do the serious look very well AND I’m too fat to wear shorts .. must do more leg training. 🙂

Here is a sneak preview of some of the proofs Ive chosen Peter to work his magic on …

So all in all day one of peak week went pretty well.  I was hungry, but thats a no brainer.  I went to the toilet A LOT, but that also is a no brainer and I’m feeling better than I did during my last peak week and I’m really in a much much much better headspace.  I am ready to take on the week and give it my all!

Till tomorrow



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