Category: Blog

So far so good

The weekly weigh in shows im still on track to compete in June . I’m a kilo lighter and I think I could...

A well deserved break

It’s been a “busy” weekend of cardio. It was run day on Saturday, so I did week two of the couch to 5k...

Decision Time

This months goal to get to 29.3% bodyfat was attained and to make things even better it puts my dream of getting back...

One more sleep

I’m seeing Miss Jo tomorrow for my fat test. I’m pretty confident it’s gone down, I’m hopeful that it has gone down significantly....

Two firsts

First of the firsts was that I received my lovely new Ergo. I decided that it was a “reward” to me for doing...

Getting there

Weight 81 kgs. Well its been a reasonable week. I did three runs, Tue I did week one on the treadmill, Wed I...

Here we go again

Run 1 of Week 1 of the couch to 5k completed (yes again). I figured that since I didnt finish week one thanks...


Well FB is useful for many things .. during a “status update conversation” a few of us OB Mums decided to do the...

Stairway to Heaven

Heavenly body that is! This morning the sun was out, no wind, not cold .. just stunning. Headed down to the stadium with...

Busy Busy

My brother is visting from Sydney so its been a busy couple of days catching up! Yesterday morning was my morning to get...