Category: Blog

So close, yet so far away

It’s that strange “twilight” time in competition prep, when it seems super close but yet still so far away. I stare in the...

I’ve lost it!

This past Friday, I lost it .. lost what I hear you ask … my resolve, no actually my entire will to live!...

Half Way ..

Six weeks till the show in Tauranga! Speaking of numbers, I seem to have them swirling around in my head constantly.  Weights, percentages,...

The home stretch

It’s so close I can almost touch it! Well I’m into the final leg.  I started carb depleting yesterday (Sunday) so I’ve made...

Two More Weeks

Two more weeks .. 14 more sleeps! It’s coming down to the nitty gritty part of the competition phase, I’m not going to...

Three Weeks To Go!

So little time so much to do! Training has been awesome this week.  James (my husband) has trained with me three out of...