Where to from here?

Ive been pondering lately the meaning of life .. well not exactly, Ive actually been wondering … “Where to from here?”

I started on this leg of my journey this time last year … when I say it like that it seems just like yesterday, but actually if I’m being completely honest, it feels like I’ve been dieting forever.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the way I look, I actually enjoy the training and I even like my food … I’m just not sure that I want to “have” to diet anymore.

I’m all geared up for the upcoming show in October and I know deep down in my heart that this is “who I am” and next year will roll around and I’ll be begging Jo to let me do a show .. or numerous shows knowing me!  😉

But right now at this point in time .. I’ve had enough .. I don’t want to have plan every single meal and take a doggy bag when we go out for coffee because I can’t have a muffin … I love muffins!  Hell I’d settle for a slice of white bread lol.

So the count down is on … four and a half weeks till I need to be stage ready .. then bring on Christmas and steam pudding! 😉

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