Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

WOD3 – The worm

My yet unnamed, but any suggestions will be gratefully accepted and duly considered team is entered into the Intermediate/Scaled Division of the CrossfitHPU...

Stronger together

I’ve read probably over a million articles on why you should work out with a friend. Things such as; – It makes you...

Being less of a hater

Tuesday is “run day” and today is Tuesday, which doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes level of deduction to work out that today I...

There is no I in team?

Last week I started running regularly again, as in attempting to run a distance without A) stopping and more importantly; B) having a...

Training to be good

Once upon a time I trained to look good. I didn’t (really) give a toss about being healthy or fit, I just wanted...

The anti bucket list

I saw this great idea on the Wine to Weightlifting blog that I just happened upon whilst surfing the web. It’s a fitness...

Loving the hate

There was a time in my life (a really really long time) that I hated vegetables with the exception of carrots, corn and...


I’ve decided to put all my training “accomplishments” in one place so that I have easy access to it. I have a diary...