Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Operation Six Pack

This morning at “lilfatty” bootie camp, Lavinia and I embarked on operation six pack.  Well actually if I tell the truth, I embarked...

Guilty Pleasures

After yesterdays blog about my adulterous friends, it got me thinking about all things “wicked” in the food department. So you all know...


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about cheating, mostly because quite a few people around me seem to be having an adulterous relationship...

No equipment needed

If I had 10c for every person who has said “I can’t afford a gym membership, that’s why I can’t lose weight” I...

Happy Anniversary!

A year ago I was sitting at home with the left over baby bulge and thought “Right, enough is enough, this weight has...


I should have three more sleeps till show time.. I should be be carb deprived and excited, but alas.. my life now revolves...

Where to from here

Yesterday afternoon my bikini arrived from  I tried it on last night and it was truly love at first sight .. its...

Wise lil birdie

A little “birdie” last night reminded me what is important in life and with that in mind I have given away any thoughts...

Mr Iphone Knows “Best”

Technology!  99% of the time its an amazing thing, the other 1% of the time it does my head in.  This morning was...