Bring it on
TGIF! It’s been a long week. The kids were sick last week and I came down with a bug too .. but I...
TGIF! It’s been a long week. The kids were sick last week and I came down with a bug too .. but I...
The temperature this week has really plummeted .. the daytime isnt too bad, but the mornings are freezing. I feel the cold pretty...
It’s hump day, the downward slide into the weekend. Not that that means much to me since weekends tend to be busier than...
Hey guys … gosh its getting chilly these days, the end of summer is near *boo* So this morning when I was checking...
I’ve left it late today! Usually I get Mondays blog done bright an early, but its been a hectic day, so better late...
The day before race day was gloriously sunny……………picked up my race pack and the heavens opened. Just my luck 😉 One of the...
Yesterday someone asked I will admit, even though you have less energy when in competition prep, its actually easier to “just do it”...
Hey Guys. Trained with Miss Jo last night she *killed* me. We did hamstrings and honestly everytime I moved last night in bed...
Firstly the Whoot is for me! I’ve managed (although not easily) to go two entire days Coke Zero free. I think there were...
Please, feel free to keep the questions coming in .. some make me think and some make me giggle. So lets get it...