Category: Blog

Hump day

The first thing I want to do is share with you my “new lust”, I came across this bag while researching my future...

Man it’s dark!

I went into the office today, so I diligently packed my gym bag, packed my food, lay out my gym clothes and shoes...

Back to business

Today was day one of my weight training program*proper*. Back and biceps, which is not my most favorite thing to train, but it...

One month down

Apparently it takes two weeks of repetition for something to become a habit, and Ive managed to eat cleanly and exercise regularly for...

Planning = success

Well its that time of the week, so here are the pics .. still cant see much of a change, my butt might...

3 down

Three percent that is! So Katy is coming to my place this weekend and I shall listen to her while reading my Oxygen...


Gah my knee is killing me! I went back to the doctor and she said I could up my diclofinac intake to twice...

Coming full circle

Last time I started training, I had my BFF for support every step of the way, every day she was there ensuring I...

3 more sleeps

Three more sleeps till Jo pinches my fat and gives me the grand verdict. Im thinking it should be good, I’ve been eating...

I’ve decided

Right well its taken some thought as to what I want for my rewards. It’s pretty hard as I have a whole wardrobe...