One month down

Apparently it takes two weeks of repetition for something to become a habit, and Ive managed to eat cleanly and exercise regularly for a month and I’ve found that after the first two weeks, it was definitely easier!

This morning I was at the gym at 8am and did 20 minutes on the cross trainer followed by 26 minutes on the bike, the 26 was because I wanted to burn as many calories on the bike as I did the cross trainer, so I just kept going until I had.

On the way home I went and bought every single carb less bar at Foodtown in Te Atatu as they were on super duper special (well except the coconut ones, I don’t like coconut). These are so awesome to keep in your handbag, the car, the baby bag, the office drawer, just in case you get caught out and need something relatively healthy to eat right away.

Then after James did his workout, I went out and picked my”reward magazine”, I went for the Oxygen. I like Oxygen as it concentrates on weight training and food and doesn’t have loads of stuff that doesn’t interest me like make up and relationship advice 😉

Thought I would note my calories/protein/carb/fat intake too for prosperity so;

Today Cals 1292, P116, C116, F43

Till next time





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