Hump day

The first thing I want to do is share with you my “new lust”, I came across this bag while researching my future rewards. I am a TOTAL bag fiend, I nearly have as many bags as I do sneakers! (Think Nike Shox in every color!)

Anyway the bag of my dreams is an Adidas gym bag designed by Stella McCartney. Its not a cheap item, but so beautiful, I just really want one, lucky thing I go back to work next month, I can use the extra money lol.

Anyway, lets get back to the issue at hand .. me … if you are an OB follower, you will obviously know its all about me me me, not you, me.

Went to the gym this avo as James came home early due to a teachers strike. I did 30 minutes cardio on the crosstrainer and then went and trained chest and triceps.

I did flat bench and managed to get up to 5 each side, I mean honestly I used to warm up with that! But .. I have to be patient. I got a nice man to spot for me, he was actually very motivating, and as a bonus he was there just in case I couldnt move anymore and dropped the bar on my head.

Saw a couple of people from the “old days” so it was nice to have a wee chat and catch up on what has been happening in the past two and a half years I have been growing babies.

Food was clean (actually im not even going to bother putting that line in anymore, im focused and im eating in a way that I can sustain for the long term, so I dont even feel like cheating, James bought muffins home today (which are nearly my fav vice) and it never even crossed my mind to have one .. even when he asked I didnt feel like one! Thats what happens when you eat properly, your body doesnt crave crap!

James also noted that ive been so much happier lately, so thats another bonus, I think its a few things combined, Im getting some me time, Im starting to feel fitter and look better, so obviously im feeling better about life in general.

Right best go and update some other sections on this blog.

Till next time





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