Category: Blog

Weekend Warrior

Weekends are hard work! Most people think, “ahhh the weekend, time to relax”, well those people obviously don’t have two demanding toddlers.  Actually...

Counting my blessings

I love it when I wake up to a beautiful morning! Even though technically its still dark when I wake up, it’s the...

Stormy Weather

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain; I couldn’t help but think the weather gods were expressing my mood of...


I find early mornings are when the BIG revelations hit home … Today’s revelation?  I hate running!  (With every ounce of my being)...

Goooooooood morning world!

I’ve never been a night owl (with the obvious exception of when I had tiny babies … then an entire day was just...

Consequences ..

Well obviously I knew eating a load of crap wouldnt do wonders for the physique .. but its done, and as planned here...


Time to come clean …  Last night I f**cked up .. royally! Was it worth it? In all honesty, the first anzac biscuit...

Where to from here?

Ive been pondering lately the meaning of life .. well not exactly, Ive actually been wondering … “Where to from here?” I started...