Hump Day

For some it’s the homeward stretch towards the weekend, for me, it’s a day of both reflection and planning.  It’s my “midpoint” and the day I realize that I’m going to have my progress recorded in three more sleeps.   It’s the day where I think, “Shit! I’ve got some ground to make up” or “Right Julia, your doing great, everything is on track, bring on Saturday and those calipers”.

Today it’s a mix of both feelings.   Sunday wasn’t a fab day food wise; I even had a coke zero.  I have no idea why, that stuff always makes my tummy bloated and it takes a couple of days for me to go back to feeling normal.  When will I learn!  But food, training and cardio have been good this week and I’m hungry, so that’s a good sign that I’m in a calorie deficit 😉

The Tauranga show is on this weekend.  Can’t wait to see the photos, I bet everyone will look amazing!  I’m hoping seeing all the photos gives me a much needed boost towards the finish line because even though my show is so close, it still feels like forever away.  Although next week I will be panicking because its too close, you guys just cant win, one day I’m moaning because its too far away, and next think Ill be moaning for the opposite reason.

Speaking of boosts; those of you who know me realize I love my motivational quotes.  So much so that I print them on the front of my training journals so that I can get a “helping hand” when I need it most.  Anyway I thought I would share one each hump day, just in case some of you out there need a “motivational hug” to get you through the rest of the week.

“Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. Its qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in. It’s a state of mind – you could call it character in action.” – Vince Lombardi

I love Vince Lombardi, such a wise man.  You will probably notice that his quotes will pop up a lot.

Anyhoo .. Yesterdays training.

Cardio AM – Walk with Lavinia just over an hour.

Weights – Shoulders, did laterals with 10 kgs!  Go me!

Cardio PM – Walk 40 minutes.

Food – Pretty much egg whites, chicken or fish all day, no protein powder because I’m just trying to eat whole food in an effort to keep fuller and have my body work to digest it.

17 more sleeps!

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