Category: Blog

Gym Shoes

I got an interesting question in yesterday.   Firstly it made me giggle, I can picture just what she goes through, thankfully I have...

Kia Kaha

First up, I’d like to send all my love to those of you who have been either directly or indirectly affected by the...

Two for Tuesday

Greetings! The very first training journal I made had the quote “A dream becomes a goal when you write it down”.  When I...

10 Weeks and feeling good!

Technically its 9 weeks and 5 sleeps till showtime, but this photo was taken on Saturday my “official” stat day of 10 weeks...

Train like a spartan!

I saw my friend Brooke post something on her Facebook wall about Ludus Magnus training, so I figured I would take a look...

A new sport?

Happy Hump Day to all! So far this week is going really well … I’ve just felt all go go go (I suppose...

Love is in the air

Firstly for those of you on the other side of the world .. I hope your day has been filled with love and...

Lets get going

Welcome to another week!  (Its a glorious Monday here too). Last Monday I set myself some goals. Which were not earth shattering or...