Category: Blog

It’s Wednesday right?

I have BIG news today in the land of Julia .. This morning (at Ludus obviously) I actually did box jumps – on...

Just what I needed

It’s been pretty full on in the land of Julia lately. This past week has included such madness as two triples, a double...

Is it Friday already?

The kidlets have yet to learn that I am not a walking hanky, which usually means if the kidlets get sick I in...


Today is Friday in the land down under.  (If you are now humming a certain men at work song give yourself a pat...

What Am I Now?

The 100 kilometer Fit Bitch Challenge had been set and last night I won the battle with my inner lazy and donned running...

A Walking Motivational Poster

Some people see me as a walking/talking motivational poster – You know the ones you see on Facebook or Pinterest with some fit...