Category: Blog

Great Expectations

I’m not sure if I mentioned this but I’ve started doing the boxing classes at the gym with Anna. Anna went out with...

Train Hard, Have Fun, Race!

It’s been awhile since my last post .. But other than training, training and doing some more training (along with the weekly dessert...

Motivational overkill?

A day doesn’t go by without at least one motivational quote coming up in my newsfeed on either Facebook or Instagram exactly like...

Mini milestone

As you all should know I’m carrying some injuries – I know it’s not really a “new” thing in the world of Julia,...

Keep calm and go unbroken

un·bro·ken Adjective Not interrupted or disturbed; continuous: The term “unbroken” seems to stem from the crossfit phenomenon. Unbroken and DNF seem to be...

Life after the hundred ..

The 100 days 100 burpees came to an end and I literally took a deep breathe and thought to myself  “Thank the Lord”...