Category: Blog

We are “that” couple

I saw this on my facebook newsfeed the other day .. Because I don’t want to be obnoxious & irritating about it, I’m...

It runs in the family

The Albany Lakes Summer Series holds a 2km kids dash alongside the 5k and 10k adults events. Although James (and to a lesser...

Mighty(ish) Minnie

For the past 3 Saturdays CrossfitHPU have held workshops concentrating on the named WOD’s Fran (Thrusters & Pull ups), Diane (Deadlifts & Handstand...

Girl (em)power(ing)

I’m not much of a girls girl, I’ve always preferred the company of guys to that of girls. Guys tend to be more...

Just Be

Valentines Day came and went. There was no candle lit dinner, flowers or poems declaring undying love. But this year I felt more...

What flavour are you?

Crossfit is this generations “phenomenon” the Crossfit Games started in 2011 with 26,000.00 registered athletes. In 2012 that number rose to 69240 and...

Is love a once a year thing?

It’s Valentines Day (or as a friend of mine aptly called it) overpriced plant life and saturated fat day! I got the coolest...

Go deep ..

Deep squatting is not a new phenomenon, it’s actually one of the body’s default resting positions (I’m guessing the other is lying down)....

It's revolutionary! (Honest)

A friend bought this to my attention today … The creators of the “latest revolutionary diet system” are using my image on their...