Category: Blog

Fitness Foundations

It’s only really been the past 10 or so years that fitness has really become an integral part of my life, in fact...

Some things change

I have a numerous blogs on my bookmarks list and most of them are either fitness or weight loss related. Looking through the...

Something to crow about

Apart from my self imposed #handstandaday challenge where I attempt to do at least one handstand each day of 2015 (to which I’ve...

By jove!

Last Monday started out the same as every other Monday has lately, with my intention to “eat better”. However this time I’d decided...

Because I’m happy baby

P!nk attended a charity event with her husband and after photos were published online people started calling her fat. First of all WTF?...

Paying it forward

I took this photo 102 weeks ago .. Yep! I actually took the time to gather up 36 pairs of my athletic shoes...

An ode to the EMOM

This morning at Ludus we had a EMOM session. For those of you who do not know what an EMOM is, it’s an...

Pot Luck

After this mornings 6am Ludus session a few of us “oldies” (or as Joe calls us – “originals”) were throwing around ideas about...