Category: Blog

Friday Five Time

It’s that time of the week again … where I mourn the loss of my “independence” 😉 No, just kidding.  The weekend although...

Im a numbers girl

I went to see my doctor about contraception on Monday afternoon.  You see my doctor has numerous patients that compete, so he “gets...

Ms Motivation

Those of you who know me, understand that I love a good quote, so much so that I print them on the front...

Fa la la la la

Tis Friday and I feel like I should sing “fa la la la la, la la la la” During the week when I...

Black, White, Grey?

Halloween came and went and we were left with a huge bag of sweets that didn’t go home with little children dressed up...

Stolen Ideas

My chaos of a life seems to be falling back into place.  Dad was released from hospital yesterday so my daily trips to...

Come join the dark side!

One of the questions I am often asked is “How do you do it?  How do you manage to fit everything in?” Well...

Operation Six Pack

This morning at “lilfatty” bootie camp, Lavinia and I embarked on operation six pack.  Well actually if I tell the truth, I embarked...

Guilty Pleasures

After yesterdays blog about my adulterous friends, it got me thinking about all things “wicked” in the food department. So you all know...