What would you choose?
I was asked “What’s one luxury you can’t live without?” lux·u·ry n. pl. lux·u·ries Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. You...
I was asked “What’s one luxury you can’t live without?” lux·u·ry n. pl. lux·u·ries Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort. You...
I was asked the other day how I went about setting up and settling into practicing yoga at *home. Setting up in the...
Lately I’ve found myself watching people being amazing. It seems like everyone I know has been mellowing out in their cocoons and have...
I was researching something completely different (how to do a lions breath pose) when I came across a really interesting article on how...
Since May 2014 I’ve been attempting to complete a number of monthly photo challenges on Instagram. These challenges involve posting a photo that...
It’s my 7th wedding anniversary! Today I get to openly acknowledge that the hubby is “not bad, not bad at all!” He makes...
Whilst winter feasting at The Centre on Sunday there was a discussion about the rapid increase in social networking in this digital age...
How many of us have thrown our hands up into the air and said “There are just NOT enough hours in the day!”...
Those of you who follow my blog have probably guessed that I’m an “early bird” I prefer to get up and get things...
I’m currently in the first week of a new Instagram yoga challenge under the hash tag, #happyhealthyyogis What I liked about this challenge...