Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Go deep ..

Deep squatting is not a new phenomenon, it’s actually one of the body’s default resting positions (I’m guessing the other is lying down)....

It's revolutionary! (Honest)

A friend bought this to my attention today … The creators of the “latest revolutionary diet system” are using my image on their...

The most useful accessory

Like all other sports on the planet, Crossfit comes with it’s own myriad of “stuff” that any self-respecting crossfitter “just has to have”....

Post it notes from heaven?

I’ve met some amazing people since joining CrossfitHPU and I mean actually AMAZING, the type of people who literally change you on the...

The big O

Every person I come across lately seems to have one, and one thing only on their minds (and unlike me it is not...

Being grateful (on a budget)

I’d shared at the beginning of this month that my word for 2014 is; Gratitude I’ve been mindful and each day I reflect...

PS It’s not a diet

Last Sunday I challenged “the boy” to eat Paleo for 30 days. I mentioned in my last blog post that I expected him...

1 Supporter Required

It’s funny how the festive season seems to stay with you WELL into January. Mine seems to be stuck on my hips and...

The white board

The white board seems to be a “crossfit thing” not so much the implement itself but the long line of names that you...