Category: Blog

Dear Elias,

Yesterday as I neared your classroom to pick you up at the end of your school day, you ran at top speed towards...

Where have you been?

Today (for the first time in what seems like forever), I had a P.T session with my crossfit coach. As I walked through...

Hoop there it is

When the Nash clan traveled to Wanderlust Isabelle and I “found” hula hooping and had a great time. She had saved up more...

Working hard vs working out

I mentioned in a previous blog post that James has recently started working (outside of the home). His new job involves LOTS of...

What are you doing?

Not much, just hanging around  …  (bahaha – see what I did there). In fact James and I both just hung around, quite...

What a gentleman

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this in an earlier blog post but James started working (outside of the home) the same day...

Pretty fingers

During last months Wanderlust event, I had the opportunity to watch the world renown Brazilian hand balancer Miguel Sant’ana in action. Everywhere he...

Ditch the dips?

Yesterday I came across an article from Fitness Magazine titled “Six exercises you should never do again”. As I watching live TV at...