Category: Blog

Sausage Dog

Dachshunds, which are more commonly known as Sausage Dogs may be extremely cute, but it isnt so cute when you feel like one!...

Social Butterfly

Welcome to Monday! What a jam-packed weekend.  Thankfully I have a desk job and today I get to sit on my butt for...

Coming ready or not

It’s photo shoot day! By day, mild mannered (or maybe that should read ill mannered) 😉 gym junkie, by night … model in...

24 More Sleeps!

It’s the 1st day of December!  Can you believe how quickly this year has flown by, it just seems like yesterday I was...

Just right

It was American Thanksgiving last week.  I for one am grateful that I can now breathe after having come down hard with the...

Carpe Diem

My friend Andrea has the words Carpe Diem on her number plate and todays piece of motivational advice reminded me that I should...

Wrap It Up

Its 5pm Sunday afternoon and Ive got about 40 minutes before I head into the gym to do biceps and abs, but before...