Finding the balance
It’s hump day, the downward slide into the weekend. Not that that means much to me since weekends tend to be busier than...
It’s hump day, the downward slide into the weekend. Not that that means much to me since weekends tend to be busier than...
Hey guys … gosh its getting chilly these days, the end of summer is near *boo* So this morning when I was checking...
I’ve left it late today! Usually I get Mondays blog done bright an early, but its been a hectic day, so better late...
The day before race day was gloriously sunny……………picked up my race pack and the heavens opened. Just my luck 😉 One of the...
Yesterday someone asked I will admit, even though you have less energy when in competition prep, its actually easier to “just do it”...
Hey Guys. Trained with Miss Jo last night she *killed* me. We did hamstrings and honestly everytime I moved last night in bed...
Firstly the Whoot is for me! I’ve managed (although not easily) to go two entire days Coke Zero free. I think there were...
Please, feel free to keep the questions coming in .. some make me think and some make me giggle. So lets get it...
Happy Monday … I’m probably one of those strange people who doesn’t suffer from Mondayitus. I actually quite like Mondays, weekends are hard...
So last time I managed to get five and a bit (even thought I mistakenly thought id done six as stated in this...