Crossfit Games Regional Weekend – HPU Represent
In March this year I competed in my first ever Crossfit Open. Every member of Crossfit HPU who competed in the Open had...
In March this year I competed in my first ever Crossfit Open. Every member of Crossfit HPU who competed in the Open had...
WOD 4 “Karen” (teams of 3 girls/guys) (10 minute time cap) 150 wall balls (9/6kg) plus plank 60 power cleans (60/40kg) Foot bite...
After my team completed WOD3 and I spied my boys in the crowd I went looking for Issy to give her a “pep...
WOD 3 “The Worm” 2 rounds (10 minute time cap) 20 squats with worm 20 burpee worm hops Team HPU Platinum – Heat...
WOD 2 “The Heavy” (10 minute time cap) 100 push press 60 front squats 40 clusters (squat clean, thruster) Team splits into two...
15 synchronized burpees 1K run 8 minute time cap Seems straight forward right? Get all six members of your team to burpee in...
One more sleep till I become an actual competition crossfitter. Who would have thought it? First of all I’m not “into” competitions and...
This will be my last post on The Crossfit Open for 2014. (I’ll let that loud sigh of relief from you all die...
The Crossfit Open officially drew to a close on Tuesday 1pm NZ time. I managed to finish in the top half of my...
For time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Thrusters, 95 / 65 lb. Burpees All all the 2014 Crossfit Open workouts 14.5 was the one I...