What a difference a day makes
Yesterday I conquered my fear of the “big box” (which I really should call the medium box, but for me it’s BIG).
Although it took some dithering and dallying I did in fact manage to jump off two feet and land on top AND I even did it a couple of times just to prove to myself that it wasn’t just a fluke.
When I wrote about my accomplishment I noted that I should continue to continue to jump on that box (although probably not during actual WOD’s) so that;
1. I become less of a chicken as ..
2. It (jumping higher) becomes second nature
Obviously, I hadn’t really thought through the logistics of that statement. Box jumping isn’t something I can do upon arrival at training as this old body really needs to be warm to jump “high” and I’m usually pretty knackered after training so may be physically unable to jump high!
Today however as fate would have it, we didn’t do any box jumping in our workout so after I “played” eg; did some handstands, did some hooping, busted out some random yoga poses and did some more hooping. Then as somewhat of an afterthought I set up a box, turned on the camera and quite literally took a leap of faith.
It’s true when they say
“The fears we don’t face, become our limits.”
How about we all give it our very best to try to live limitlessly! It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth it, after all what terrifies you today may gratify you tomorrow.
Till next time