Week Two, but oh so blue!
Argh … Sick kids = Sick Mum … argh!
I havent done any weight training since Tuesday, ok technically its only Thursday, so Ive only missed one day .. but still .. argh!
So far I’ve still managed to do cardio .. not extremely intense cardio, but it involves moving, so I will take it.
Fingers crossed my measurements are ok when I have them checked, I just have to remember I’ve still got 10.5 weeks to go, so thats plenty of double cardio days to catch up with if I fall behind 😉
Today, even though Im blue .. I want to end on a high note .. so …
I am thankful for … My husband James.

The two men in my life
He is my unwavering support. He will even pull me up the hills when Im exhausted but need to do my cardio and without fail he massages my legs at the end of each day to help get all those knots out that you accumulate during a hard days training. Love him!
Till next time (when Im hopefully able to breathe through my nose)