The best way to start the day

Some of you are not morning people.  I know this because I married one.  J tends to be like a grumpy grizzly bear in the mornings and even coffee doesn’t bring him around 😉

However although I wasn’t “born” a morning person I have “morphed” into one after taking up bodybuilding.  (All bodybuilders out there are nodding their heads) and even now that I am not a bodybuilder I chose to take on a sport that STILL requires you to get up at stupid oclock to train.  I guess I never learn.

My three favorite things to start the day with are;

  1. Waking up to find ONLY J and I in the bed (I have a 50/50 chance of this happening these days)
  2. Black coffee
  3. Ludus

This morning, I hit the jackpot and got three from three!  So today is going to be a good day, I can feel it in my bones or is that just arthritis?   Anyway I digress.

Tonight after my bike session I have an evening out with the girls.   I’m really trying to bring more “balance” into my world this year and make time for my family and friends and if that just happens to include good food who am I to argue!

I can totally run that off – right?  I may hate running, but I sure do love a good dessert platter!  Heck I’d even do 100 burpees for the cookie/ice cream sandwich 😉

Onto my thought for the day (although now all I can think about is cookies) …

Thanks for the reminder JK – now .. I wonder if we have any cookies in the office … 😉

Till next time

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