So, we had reached the end of our second week in “lockdown” due to the Covid19 pandemic and I thought a fun way to celebrate was to hold a running event around house. I mean, who wouldn’t want to do that right??
Well let me tell you, Isabelle wasn’t keen until I offered to sign her up for the current Potterhead Running Club event, the Shrieking 6km – so she’d get a medal (I mean eventually, once it arrived in the country), as she had already completed the Ironbelly 7k she was keen to add another medal to her collection, so she was in.
James was (obviously) in, I mean he’s the only one of us who actually likes running, so that was a no brainer. My baby on the other hand wasn’t having a bar of it – he was quite happy to sit inside and wave as we went past. Unfortunately for him, his Father had other ideas, so he toed the start line as well, which considering instead of getting a medal, he was just getting grief was pretty good going!
We set our course, (because James didn’t want anyone cutting corners (he’s SO serious about running)) and we each got lap markers that we would put in a jar each time we went past the start/finish line. That way, when you had no markers left – you were finished (as only two of us have gps watches and one of us was going to end up 11 laps behind) 😉
We all set off at 11am(ish), I was slightly after them as I filmed the start (as you do) .. James took off, he was obviously going for the win and Isabelle and Elias followed. We all (apart from James) walked/ran the course. It’s pretty flat and relatively obstacle free, so apart from the sides of the house where it narrows, you’re relatively free to overtake others so you can go at your own speed.
James finished first (who didn’t see that coming?) – Isabelle came in a respectable second – my baby (who seemed to spend most of his time sitting in our garage “catching his breath* came in third (ummm .. ) and then I plodded along about 8 laps behind everyone else.
I of course blame my last place finish on the fact that I’m the photographer / videographer – because how else are you going to prove that you were stir crazy enough to run around your house 75 times?!?!?
Till next time