Because Burpees Make Everything Better Blog

Junk “free” June

I’m seven days into #junkfreejune although I’m wondering if I should call it “less junk june”. 😉 To be fair, this challenge allows...

Mind Games

I gave up on New Years resolutions a couple of years ago and instead decided to pick ONE WORD that would be my...

Jumping Junk Free June

So – June … it’s a biggie! It’s the official start of winter (boo),  my (littlest) baby turns six, I’m staying clear of...

It must be love

Those of you who know me understand that I have a “thing” for dessert and pancakes, which is basically just dessert at breakfast...

Managing Fear

I have many fears most of which are totally #firstworldproblems While there are people living in war torn countries that have every right...

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday I conquered my fear of the “big box” (which I really should call the medium box, but for me it’s BIG). Although...