One more sleep baby!
1 more sleep till blast off! Melbourne is 12 weeks away from tomorrow. Ive decided that from tomorrow, Im in contest mode. ...
1 more sleep till blast off! Melbourne is 12 weeks away from tomorrow. Ive decided that from tomorrow, Im in contest mode. ...
I have exactly 5 more sleeps until I am at the 12-week mark! 12 weeks marks the start line in my race towards...
Dachshunds, which are more commonly known as Sausage Dogs may be extremely cute, but it isnt so cute when you feel like one!...
Welcome to Monday! What a jam-packed weekend. Thankfully I have a desk job and today I get to sit on my butt for...
It’s photo shoot day! By day, mild mannered (or maybe that should read ill mannered) 😉 gym junkie, by night … model in...
It’s the 1st day of December! Can you believe how quickly this year has flown by, it just seems like yesterday I was...
It was American Thanksgiving last week. I for one am grateful that I can now breathe after having come down hard with the...
This week I’m going to do something a little different. You see there is a lovely lil lady called Donloree who lives in...
I thought I would do a quick post on things I am trying that may help me do more pull ups (with the...
I’m excited! I am currently embroiled in a fledgling love affair … for those of you who have fallen in love, do you...