Now if only it was that easy .. thinking yourself thinner would be much more desirable than the first two days on any diet plan 😉

I stood on the scales on Saturday morning and just about died when I saw the number that came up but I needed to know where I was starting in an attempt to work out where I could get to.  It was a blessing in disguise because there were times over the weekend when I would think to myself “Oh a little bit won’t hurt” or “I know its not on plan, but its healthy” but I just remembered “the number” and stuck it out and I did it!

The first two days are always agony when you go from eating whatever you please to limiting your choices but from experience I know it gets easier I just have to get through the first two weeks and It will be completely normal to me after that.

James has started pushing me out the door for our evening walks again which is awesome because last night walking was certainly the last thing I wanted to do .. it was cold and miserable out and I could have easily just crawled into bed especially since Monday morning = Ludus and I was sure that I was going to die during the session and I should get as much rest as possible before hand.

Oh and on a side note .. I did nearly die during Ludus far out it was hard! Joe described it as “meat and potato” morning which consisted of all the Ludus staples including my old fav the burpee.

Most of the Ludians were carrying hang overs from the Ludus Birthday bash but they all turned up for their Monday morning beating .. no softies at Ludus that’s for sure.

So Operation Wedding has commenced bring on that dress!  (Not so sure about the heels though) 😉

Till next time

(I will leave you with another sneak preview of this weeks Wolf)

I’m guessing some of you already know who this is ..



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