It’ll be sweet as bro ..

Won’t it?

So today I came across a post from one of my online running club members about her upcoming half marathon.

She’s one of those awesome artistic type peeps and she had designed a wrist band to wear whilst running her upcoming race. Each mile had been dedicated to someone who had encouraged and supported her running and the names were listed on her wrist band as a continual motivator.

On top of all that awesomeness she had worked out her race pace and had been training to stay right on pace throughout the event. And if that wasn’t enough to make me feel totally unworthy she got herself a hydration belt!

Yeah, sh!t just got real.

In the meantime I’m all the way over here thinking WTF???

I mean, don’t totally write me off, I have thought about what I’ll wear on the day because you only get ONE first half marathon and as such, those photos are going to be more important than your usual run of the mill race photos but as to all the “other stuff” …

I don’t even know the other stuff I should be thinking about!

Argh! See what happens when you don’t think shit through!

I best go find someone more runnerish than I am, that won’t be too hard ..

Till next time





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