
I know … it’s not often you “get me” on a Tuesday, but here I am!

First day back in the gym yesterday after my hell week of sickness and even though I took it slightly easier than normal I felt good!  Obviously because its Monday, I join the hoards of people who do chest.  Unsure why I chose to train chest on what must be “International Build a Chest Day” .. but I do sigh


(Click image for source)

Oh and I did abs .. go me!  I knew writing it down publicly would make me stay that little bit longer in the gym and get them done.  I should have made “get some abs” one of my 11 things to do in 2011 then I would have been paying more attention to them.  😉

Today is operation get some wings (otherwise known as back day).  I quite like training back .. although I’m nowhere near as strong on back as I am on some other exercises and my forearm gives me jip when I go too heavy .. but I get to wear my straps, I always feel so “official” when I wear straps .. now if only they were pink.

Straps make a girl look like she can lift heavy 😉

Anyway as you all know I’m a Mum, Gym Bunny and all round superwoman 😉 but for those of you who are curious I thought I would try and answer a couple of questions for you.  If you have any that you want answered (and they don’t have to be fitness related), just send an email or leave a comment and I will try my best to answer them.

Where in the world have you visited that is the greatest distance away from your current homeland?

According to Mr Google, that would be Paris, France, which according to the sign inside the Eiffel Tower is located 18542 kilometers away from Auckland, New Zealand.  James and I spent a weekend there so I could visit the Lourve (I had just read the Da Vinci code).  It was honestly the most breathe taking city I had ever seen .. I was in absolute awe!


Moi (thats the extent of my French) inside the Lourve

Would you ever consider living abroad?

Consider?  Sure ..

Actually live abroad – I highly doubt it .. not at this point in time anyway.  Unless I could take my parents with me, then I might reconsider it.

I cant rule out the possibility though, I mean I married a British citizen who misses his family, but I would honestly prefer our kids to grow up here .. but who knows what the good lord has planned for us .. we shall see.

Till next time (think up some q’s)

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