How I learned to love running
I’ve run on and off (mostly off) for a number of years, but it’s never been an activity I did for enjoyment (hence...
I’ve run on and off (mostly off) for a number of years, but it’s never been an activity I did for enjoyment (hence...
As I was scrolling through my “on this day” memories on FB the other day I was quite shocked to see that I...
The other day I joked about how I had to feed James some of the food from my emergency stash before he turned...
Last week while perusing Running Calendar I came across Trail Buster Karekare – a team event being held this weekend (at Karekare). Neither James...
When I post a photo of myself with one of my virtual racing medals I’m usually asked one of two things; 1. Cool! How...
The Platform 9 3/4k is the Hogwarts Running Club’s sixth event of the year. James – Why such a random number? Me –...
I have a bad habit of not warming up before I run instead preferring to start out somewhat slower than my usual pace...
Labour Weekend is coming up quickly and the other night James and I were discussing what we should do .. Me – Xterra Waihi...
(Walking Track) From the opposite parking area along Anawhata Road, McElwain Lookout Track leads uphill along easy grade to a wooden lookout platform with...
The #oneHRC House Marathon was a four part event encompassing (in distance order) the Hufflepuff 5km, the Syltherin 6km, the Ravenclaw 10km and...