Crossing the “country”

Last week my kidlets (7 & 8) had their annual school cross country run ..

Apparently the entire school had been practicing their cross country running in the lead up to the event and although neither of my kids love to run, they were both resigned to the fact that they’d “have too” although Isabelle (8) let it be known that she was running “under duress” telling me the night before

“Mum, my teacher said it would be a terrible finish the term if it rains tomorrow and they have to cancel the cross country – I think it would be the BEST way to finish the term .. what do you think?”

“Baby – your teacher only thinks that because she doesn’t have to run it and you can tell her I said that if you like .. “

I did let her know that she was lucky that their cross country run is actually on a grass surface (which is what I envisage cross country to be) because when I was her age my primary school made us run around the block – To this day, I think that the school cross country (and athletics) day is one of the main reasons I hated all forms of running for the vast majority of my life .. 😉

In the end they postponed the cross country from the Wednesday (due to rain) until the Friday, which happened to be the final day of the school term – I guess they figured if the kids got sick from running around in the rain that they’d all be on school holidays and the parents could deal with it … #sigh

That morning the kids got dressed in their cross country clothes (which looked more like mufti outfits with running shoes to me, than serious running clothes – but who am I to talk, I run in a skirt with frills .. )

As I was driving them to school on the morning the cross country run, I thought to myself about how much I hated cross country day when I was their age and I (half) jokingly said;

“It’s a pity you’re not sick today – you could have stayed home in bed and wouldn’t have to run the cross country”

To which my daughter replied ..

“We’ll I have been a bit snuffly lately, but unfortunately I don’t think it’s bad enough to take a day off #sigh”

Bless her!

She must get that from her Dad, I would have jumped at the chance to get out of running.

Till next time





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