A night with Ms Olympia

A night with Ms Olympia, who could pass it up!
As I mentioned in yesterdays blog I spent Saturday night ogling admiring the Professional Figure girls at the New Zealand Pro Championships.
To be honest, the only reason I went was to see the current Ms Figure Olympia Erin Stern in real life. It’s one thing to see someone in photos, but seeing them up on stage in front of your very eyes is completely different, you can see so much more when they are only a few feet away.
Erin competed the week prior in Melbourne, Australia and the President of the NZIFBB managed to “sweet talk” her into coming across the ditch to compete in little old New Zealand.
It was “late breaking news” that she would be doing the event, but as soon as I heard that she was coming .. I was going to see her!
She was AMAZING (but I guess we all knew she would be, being that she is Ms Olympia).
The top three were all (in my humble opinion) phenomenal. Erin has that lovely athletic physique, Latisha Wilder has the best arse I have ever seen! And Raechelle has those to die for delts and is just stunningly beautiful! Who would guess that she is a mother of three!

Latisha Wilder (2nd), Erin Stern (1st), Raechelle Chase (3rd)
There were a couple of things I was plesantly surprised to find out about the “Pros” .. firstly they are all so friendly and down to earth! I suppose I’m just so used to seeing them in the fitness magazines. To a figure competitor these girls have “star status” akin to the likes of Angelina Jolie and somehow I can’t imagine Angelina being as approachable as Erin, Raechelle or Latisha. 😉 Latisha Wilder especially was such a doll in both body and in soul .. she was one of those girls that could make the whole world smile. 🙂
Secondly as a Mum I see Raechelle in a completely new light! As soon as the prize giving was done she was swamped by her kids, she took everything in her stride, picked up her youngest (white dress and all) and smiled for the millions of cameras as Dior clinged tightly to her Mum. She never once got flustered with them and was charming and approachable to all who came to see her. Although I long for her delts, I really need to get some of her patience!
My friend Donloree is working towards gaining her pro card, after getting to meet these three ladies I think Donloree has just what it takes to be a great ambassador for the sport, just as these three ladies are.
Till next time