
Started the couch to 5k program today. Headed down to Waitakere Stadium as I wanted somewhere flat to run, apart from feeling like a but of a dork being surrounded by actual runners it wasnt too bad .. I just have to remember that it WILL get easier as I get fitter and lighter. The podcast was actually really handy .. it was nice to have someone tell you when to walk and when to run, the only thing I wish it did was count down the running part so that you know how much longer you have to go. So workout one of week one complete!

Apart from that feat, I managed to get in a step aerobics workout when the lil boy went down for his 10.30am nap. I even did some ab exercises (shock horror! – I didnt even do those when I was bodybuilding lol), only three sets of 10 of two exercises, I will see how I feel in the morning then I know if I can do a little more next time. Oh and then I did a plank .. and wait for it … I managed to hold it for all of 15 seconds! *sigh*

Anyway, food clean and went and got some more protein powder this avo (Choc Dymatize), James was very happy when he saw the box!

Well half way through the week and im feeling good, seeing Miss Jo next Friday so she can pinch my fat and tell me just how fat I am now (she last checked it in Sept), hopefully its lower .. I think I will cry if its not a decent drop!

Oh and I really need to sort out some rewards .. Probably one at the end of each month if Ive trained and eaten well, a reward for each 5 kgs and a bigger reward for every 10 kgs then a gigantic reward for when I reach my final goal, must start thinking.

ETA – Photo was taken after my run, please excuse the ball, Isabelle wanted to play catch (not that she is very good at catching, im forever going to get the ball from down the hill!) .. see photographic evidence below

Till next time





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