A new sport?

Happy Hump Day to all!

So far this week is going really well … I’ve just felt all go go go (I suppose if I was a cartoon character, I’d be Inspector Gadget .. he was all bouncy and on the go) lol.

I’ve made a decision in regards to competing.  Oh don’t worry, I haven’t thrown in the towel, quite the opposite in fact, I’m even more “ready and willing”.  Anyway, I will fill you all in closer to the time, but I’m now 10 weeks and 3 sleeps out from standing on stage in a blinged out bikini and hooker heels.

I should take this moment to give myself a ..


I’ve managed to make a pretty good dent in my weekly goals .. early morning cardio has been done each day AND Ive done one ab session, so the goal is to do another tomorrow (Thursday) .. that just leaves a Ludis Magnus session to perform and my goals are done and dusted for another week!

I’m looking forward to Saturday and having my measurements done .. Im starting to feel good, and I’m even starting to look in the mirror and think “hmmm not bad”

Anyway Wednesday is not only hump day, it is the day where we all get to oogle at some fine specimen of a man.  This week we all have my friend Debby to thank for this prime beefcake!  I happened across him while on Facebook, Debby had posted his photo on her wall .. she was in mourning (more about that in a bit) ..

May I now introduce you to the wonderful world of Ice Hockey … apparently Ice Hockey is played by FINE FINE FINE specimen of men like Mike Fisher


Mike Fisher (Thank you Debby!)

I can hear all the swooning from here!

So anyway, apparently this fine young man used to play for the Ottawa Senators, he then met a young lady who can sing pretty good (Carrie Underwood) and they got married.

Debby was not only mourning the fact that he married the wrong woman, but the fact that he has been traded to another team!

Upon seeing Mike Fisher, I’m thinking that Ice Hockey may be my new sport of choice .. maybe I can teach Elias to skate .. is it ever too early to learn? 😉

Till next time

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