
I’ve decided to put all my training “accomplishments” in one place so that I have easy access to it.

I have a diary (yep paper – I’m old school) that I carry around with my gym kit and I am fastidious about noting all my strength training but I’ll only occasionally scrawl down my time or score on benchmark Friday and I basically never note a time/score during routine classes.

People often recommend “this app” or “that app” to keep track of my progress, but honestly I’ve looked at a few and then promptly put it in the too hard basket AND most companies make you pay for their apps, I’m way to cheap for that 😉

So I’ve decided that this is as good a place as any to note my benchmarks


Back Squat 80 kg (5 March 2014) 85 kg (16  Apr 14)
Bench 70 kg (12 March 2014) 75 kg (16 Apr 14)
Deadlift 95 kg (5 March 2014) 105 kg (16 Apr 14)
Strict Press 40 kg (5 March 2014) 42.5 kg (16 Apr 14)
Push Press 47.5 kg (29 May 14)
Hang squat snatch 40 kg (28 May 14)
Hang clean 42.5 kg (3 May 14, Nasty Girls WOD (with C2B) 2 rounds plus 52)


Grace (RX) 30 C&J @ 40 kgs – 8 minutes 26 seconds (12 Mar 14)
Karen (RX) 150 wall balls @ 6kgs – 10 minutes 35 seconds (04 Apr 14)

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